Making HTML5 Canvas Canvas

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Part 1. Painting on the canvas

To make a canvas game, we will need two files: An HTML page to display it, and the JavaScript code of the game. Let's start making a file called "index.html", we open it for edit (Left click » Open with » Notepad++, or whichever editor you use) and copy the next code within:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<!--[if lte IE 8]><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" /><![endif]-->
<title>My First Canvas Game</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="game.js"></script>

<h1>My First Canvas Game</h1>

<p><canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="150" style="background:#999">
Canvas not supported by your browser.

I won't explain the HTML code as it is not needed to understand the game development. Let's just say that te code above is the basic to display a web page where we will display our game. There are only two important lines that you must understand:
<script type="application/javascript" src="game.js"></script>
Though this "script" tag, we call the file "game.js", which will contain the code of our game.
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="150" style="background:#999">
Canvas not supported by your browser.
In this "canvas" tag, is where we shall draw our game. The 300px width and 150px height are the default values. You can customize them depending on the game you develop. For this example, we will leave them this way.

The ID is the unique name of our element in the page, and is needed to make reference to it from the code; we can change it to whichever we want, but we need to do so also on our code (That we will see in a moment).

Finally, we add a grey background to identify where is our canvas. If there is a problem with your game code, the grey background will be the only thing to display, and this will work as an alert. You may change it or erase it later, but for now, we shall leave it in there.

Now, we will make the code for our game. Let's begin with the most simple: Drawing a rectangle inside the canvas. For this, we will make a second file named "game.js", and copy the next code within:
var canvas=null,ctx=null;

function init(){

function paint(ctx){
Let's study the code in parts. On the first line, we add a listener to our window, so when the page loads, it calls the function "init" (Which is where we start our code). Below, we create two null variables, where we shall storage our canvas and it's context.

It's important to tell the code to start until the page loads, otherwise, the code could not find our canvas, and that would make errors that wouldn't allow us to play correctly our game.

Later, we start our "init" function. On the first line, we get our canvas, searching it by the ID "canvas" (If you changed the ID to your canvas, this is where you must put that same name). Below, we get the 2D context of our canvas. This is needed as it is our tool to paint on our canvas; we can imagine it as our brush. Finally, we call the function "paint", sending the context to it so we can paint on it.

The last part is our "paint" function. Here we tell the context to use the hexadecimal fill colour '#0f0' (green), and below, we fill a rectangle from coordinates x,y 50, 50, with 100 width and 60 height.

We save the file. If we have done it well, when we open index.html with double click on it, a web page will open, displaying the green rectangle that we made.

Go fun changing the colours and drawing more rectangles, until you get familiar with the canvas. You can use strokeStyle and strokeRect to draw the outline instead of filling them.

Final code:

[Canvas not supported by your browser]
var canvas=null,ctx=null;

function init(){

function paint(ctx){


If only a grey square displays on the screen, you probably have an error in your code. To find the origin of the problem, you must debug your code.

Depending on the web browser you use, you can debug your code as shown next:

Press F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I and select the "console" tab.

Press Ctrl + Shift + K and select the "Web console" tab. You should disable all but JS notifications to easier debug your game code.

Internet Explorer:
Press F12 and select the "console" tab.

Press Ctrl + Shift + I and select the "console" tab.

Press Ctrl + Shift + I and select the "console" tab. You must enable before "Show Develop menu in menu bar" in the "Advanced tab" on "Preferences" to use this option.

With this information, you will be able to easily solve any problems you might encounter while you are developing your games.

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